Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Full Volume!

Saat sedang suntuk atau stress kadang ada beberapa hal yang saya lakukan selain menggiatkan atau menambahkan ibadah rutin. Beberapa hal diantaranya adalah main game dengan full volume atau menyetel musik dengan super full volume. Disaat melakukan kedua hal tersebut saya benar-benar tidak akan menghiraukan kondisi orang lain disekitar saya. Entah itu terganggu dengan volume yang menggelegar, risih, bahkan mencemooh, pokoknya saat itu saya benar2 tidak peduli. I want to have alone my world. Terkesan egois memang, tapi dengan dua hal tersebut saya bisa meluapkan semua emosi saya.

Saat bermain game, semua emosi saya bisa keluar (baca: setannya keluar). Emosi ingin menghujat orang lain saya limpahkan semua badai hujatan tersebut kepada game yang saya mainkan. Apalagi game yang saya mainkan game over atau kalah, saya pasti (alias jangan diragukan lagi) akan langsung menghujatnya dengan sembarangan, brutal dan tidak aturan. Daripada menghujat orang yang hukumnya berdosa, lebih baik menghujat makhluk virtual yang jelas2 tidak akan marah balik kepada penghujatnya, ya nggak?

Saya berpandangan makhluk virtual yang berada dalam game adalah makhluk yang paling penyabar yang pernah saya temui di galaxy ini. Sekuat apapun, sebesar apapun, bahkan sebanyak apapun kita menghujatnya saya garansi tahun ia tidak akan pernah #marah. He always replied with a smile to anyone who blasphemes him. ahhh.. speechless.. :')

Hal kedua yang saya lakukan adalah menyetel musik keras-keras. Untuk hal ini, akhir-akhir ini, saya sudah mulai berpikir ulang untuk menyetelnya dengan speaker. Saya pikir hal ini pasti akan sangat mengganggu orang lain disekitar saya. Dulunya sih pake slogan "Emangnya Gue Pikirin". Tapi sejak saya mulai beranjak dewasa, otak saya juga tidak mau kalah ikut dewasa (hehe..) jadi mulai berpikir ulang untuk melakukan hal tersebut. So, akhirnya saya ganti dengan headset. Tapi tetap dengan full volume.. :D

Saya rasa dengan volume yang keras, saya jadi lebih tenang. Seakan-akan dalam kondisi tersebut saya merasa seperti ada teman untuk teriak-teriak sekencang-kencangnya, meski saat mendengarkan musik tersebut jasad saya tetap berada dalam kondisi diam dengan tatapan kosong -_-". Saat itu seakan-akan arwah ini berjalan-jalan ke suatu tempat yang luas dan disana terdapat sasak tinju yang siap untuk menjadi bahan pelampiasan. hiaatttt!!! bak.. buk.. bak.. buk.. sambil teriak-teriak hiaatttt!!!.

Well, dengan hal tersebut saya jadi rileks dan siap kembali beraktivitas seperti biasanya. So, bagaimana dengan kalian kawan?
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Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Got an Accident

"Got an accident is a hated thing all people in the world, especially for me" (or you are too).

Yesterday, I got an accident. Me and a student are collide. It happen when I was going to go for a job at 13.50.

The student, called Alan (*his a real name. hehe) will across the path. At the time he had stayed on the middle of street. Sure, I’d seen him before. He was looking back when he will decide to across the road. Behind him there are a car and He sure was looking back there only seen a car. Unfortunately, he didn’t see me. I was following behind that car.

After the car pass him, his head turn back and I thought that he had seen on me before then wait for me to pass him like as a car. So, I decide to across not to brake. I stepped on the gas deepest and after that the thing that I never hoping before happen.

Suddenly, he across the street. I see him stepped deepest and that time I’m sure that I was wrong to think. I fell that situation become slow motion. My motorcycle has hit his motorcycle. I can do anything in that time. I can only follow step by step that accident.

Both are dragged 2 meters from the incident. I was laying on the road with two motorcycle on me. The oil was flowing on the street. Many people came and began helping us.

At that time I fell very shock cause it’s my first accident. I never experience before. I was silent and trembling.

I was very grateful that I’m not injured. Only sprain on my knee and thigh and blisters in some parts. I was lucky  to wear a full body that time. Maybe if I’m not wear a full body you’ll find me on hospital now. How about him? He like me too.

But, each motorcycle must going to a garage. We agreed not to sue each other. Even if he thought me a mature (He call me ‘bapak’ haha), never crossed a little thing in my mind to sue him. Why? Cause both are a student. The second reason is I’m quite grateful to safe.

Now, my motorcycle still in garage. I hope it will back immediately. I miss him so much.. haha

To all my friend beware when u driving on d street. Maybe that incident a warning from Allah for me. Be careful okay!

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Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

I'm too Arrogant to not Study

"Harapan itu muncul kembali. Layaknya musim semi yang bertebaran setelah musim dingin berlalu. Bermekaran dan membuat hati nyaman. Tumbuh satu persatu seakan tak menentu membuat hati ini selalu terpaku. Oh Tuhan, kumohon harapan ini bisa selalu hadir dalam setiap langkah kehidupan (ku)."

Beasiswa! Hal inilah yang akhir-akhir ini membuat saya bersemangat untuk kembali mengejar cita-cita. Awalnya saya hanya membuat resolusi 'Must continuing to Master' (MCM). Itu pun hanya sekedar berkeinginan melanjutkan di PTN dalam negeri dan berencana menggunakan biaya sendiri. Namun setelah berselancar dengan lincah di dunia maya ada suatu hal yang datang mengacau. Apakah gerangan? Ya,, yang datang saat itu ialah 'Impian masa lalu'.

Jauh-jauh sekali teringat bahwa ada keinginan untuk melanjutkan studi di luar negeri. Entahlah, mungkin hal tersebut merupakan efek samping akibat menjadi seorang supporter fanatik sepakbola eropa ataupun penikmat film-film Asia Timur. Satu hal yang pasti setiap kali mengingat hal tersebut seakan-akan ada semangat yang muncul dengan sendirinya.

Disaat 'Impian masa lalu' tersebut datang kembali untuk kesekian kalinya, hati ini seakan goyah tak kuat menahan gempuran impian yang terus menderu haru biru. Mulailah berpikir dan merancang skenario untuk mengalihkan resolusi MCM untuk lebih bisa bergeser sedikit ke negeri seberang nan jauh disana. Negeri yang selama ini aku impikan untuk menjadi destinasi berikutnya.

Inilah penyemangat yang selama ini ku cari-cari. Semangat yang timbul dari diri sendiri. Mulai ku susun kembali skenario-skenario berikutnya. Masih ada Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, masih ada kesempatan dalam rangkaian detik, menit, dan jam yang tak tahu kapan akan berakhir, dan masih ada Allah yang setiap saat selalu hadir mendengarkan keluh kesah hamba-Nya. Terlalu naif bila ku sia-siakan momen berharga ini. 

The last, everything need a process and Roma isn't build a day. More learn more understand that I'm too arrogant to not study. Thank's for coming!

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Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

A Beautiful Thing

A beautiful thing in the world is when getting together with our family. Daddy, mommy, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin, all of them come together on one place. Maybe a year only one time we can meet together that is we can 'Idul Fitri' (Islamic celebration).

As you know after long long time didn’t see each other, actually we got miss, very miss. There is a smile, there is laugh, there is a story, there is a lazy time to take many time only watching tv together (LOL),  there is a tea time, there is walk time, and sure there is also a meal times together.

I like when a meal time is coming J, actually when all of us gather in grandma’s house. Definitely I’ll be discover there is a sea food or fried rice, yeah! Haha. And sure she didn’t forget to serve with vegetable,  some fruit (actually banana) and chili sauce spicy.

But, sometime we also run out to the restaurant. It’s indeed  needed to prepare an extra money and the usually treat is from a rich family. They didn’t worry to spend much money, in their mind only one thought that is a happiness. We are happy and they happy only that!

 The last point is separation time. Maybe many people hate this, also to me. I don’t know why it making the atmosphere so cloudy. If we have time, we want to gather in forever. But the fact, each other have an activity and must go on to fulfill their own, also to me. We only hope we can fall in again next time and not forget to pray each other so that they succesfull.

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Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

January's List

Hey there, today I'm writing this in the evening's rain. I just wanna tell about 2014 has been ran for 3 days. Wow! it really fast! I also don't realize it was passed by 3 days.. OMG! What I've done?

I've plan for this month and I want to wipe off one by one from the list I'd created.
1. Borrow many TOEFL Book -not buy :D- done
2. Finishing my last assignment ('System Teacher Determination using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method').
3. Studying TOEFL 3 hours a day at least. On book and Laptop.
4. Goes To 'Pare' -English Camp-
5. Sign up the day of judgment. Hope it will open this month.
6. Sign up 'Like Test' to see my score. I hope up to 550.
7. Goes to ITS to join TOEFL test. Hope my destiny will getting 550 :D #ngarep.com
8. Making list address a lot of my friend in Jakarta.
9. Holiday in Jakarta :) for a week or a month maybe.
10. Asking an opportunity join with oil companies. I've join training of oil for a year.
11. Making farewell list. Maybe I'll leave this town next month. See u apple's city!
12. Making and giving T-shirt to my lecture that onto the T-shirt will be written 'IT Moslem and I Proud IT'.
13. Making a reminded video to Pesma Firdaus and backsound specially from 'Depapepe'.
14. Renew my notebook.

So, what's your list? :D
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Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

See You my Lack! 2014 was Coming!

As well I’ve going to this year I will be grateful to Allah who has still give me a soul so I can pass my day. I’ll be grateful cause I still looking my parent (mom & daddy), 3 sisters, grandma, uncle, aunt, and especially all of my friend.

Now, I’m 22 years old. I’ve pass many times to understand who I am actually. Formerly, I’m a inexperienced man -maybe till now. Bad boy but weeper,  brave man but shy, and –sorry I can’t list one by one- you know, it  can bad for me to show all of my lack :). I know I’ve many lack but I’m sure I’ve many excess, too. The only think is looking what I’ve firstly not haven’t.

I hope this year, I’ve many list. Not only list, but I’ll try to reach out what its list. I’ve do it for 2 years ago but many of list only a list not being obvious. I’ve thought if I do what list meaning it can be happiness to all people around me.

Live in Liverpool is one of my dreaming. But beatify of my family is the only one!
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